We have 6 papers accepted to CVPR 2025!
We have 1 paper accepted to TPAMI!
We have 2 papers accepted to ICLR 2025!
We have 1 paper accepted to AAAI 2025!
We have 1 paper accepted to CVIU 2024!
We have 3 papers accepted to NeurIPS 2024!
One of our papers received the ACL 2024 Outstanding Paper Award!
We have 3 papers accepted to BMVC 2024!
We have 3 papers accepted to ACM MM 2024!
We have 7 papers accepted to ECCV 2024!
We have 3 papers accepted to ACL 2024!
We have 1 paper accepted to IJCAI 2024!
We have 1 paper accepted to ICML 2024!
We have 3 papers accepted to CVPR 2024!
We have 1 paper accepted to AAAI 2024!
We have 3 papers (2 Spotlight) accepted to NeurIPS 2023!
We have 5 papers accepted to ICCV 2023!
We have 1 paper accepted to IJCAI 2023!
We have 1 paper accepted to IEEE TMM 2023 and 1 paper accepted to IEEE TGRS 2023!
We have 5 papers accepted to CVPR 2023!
We have 1 paper accepted to ICLR 2023!
We have 1 paper accepted to IEEE TGRS 2023!
We have 2 papers accepted to AAAI 2023!
Our team won 3rd Place in SSLAD Challenge (accompanied with ECCV 2022) – Track 2: 3D Object Detection!
Congratulations to Zehui Chen, Naishan Zheng, Zizheng Yang, Hu Yu for winning the prestigious National Scholarship for Master Students!
Congratulations to Jie Huang for winning the prestigious National Scholarship for PhD Students!
We have 1 paper accepted to EMNLP 2022!
We have 3 papers accepted to NeurIPS 2022!
We have 1 paper accepted to IEEE TGRS 2022!
We have 1 paper accepted to IEEE TFS 2022!
We have 1 paper accepted to IEEE TMM 2022!
We have 4 papers (1 Oral) accepted to ECCV 2022!
We have 9 papers accepted to ACM MM 2022!
We have 2 papers accepted to IJCAI 2022!
We have 4 papers (1 Oral) accepted to CVPR 2022!
We have 1 paper accepted to IEEE TMM 2021!
We have 1 paper accepted to IEEE TGRS 2021!
Congratulations to Zehui Chen for winning the prestigious National Scholarship for Master Students!
We have 1 paper (Oral) accepted to ACM MM 2021!
Our Team won 3rd Place Solution on UG2+ Challenge (accompanied with CVPR 2021) – Object Detection in Poor Visibility Environments Track!
Our Team won 2rd place in Streaming Perception Challenge (accompanied with CVPR 2021) – Full Stack track!
Our Team won 1st place in 3D AI challenge (Accompanied with IJCAI 2020) – Instance Segmentation track!